Mindset of Openness and Emotionally Open to Change with Professional Knowledge in NFT/ Web 3.0 for Digital Assets

June 8, 2023

By Dr. MC Shirley Yeung

For SYART Museum and SYART Life Shop project owner, Mr. Song Yang (an experienced  IP creator and renowned art entrepreneur), collecting information to conserve and revitalise the intangible cultural values is the hardest part of the project. 

Persistence and multidisciplinary knowledge of local and overseas professionals in UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Environmental, Social Governance (ESG), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and Web 3.0 are needed. In fact, this is a wonderful masterpiece to visualize the process of transformative learning of Jack Mezirow (1978) – transformative learning is involved with inclusiveness, openness, reflection and emotionally open to change.

Discourse for Transformative Learning in SYART Museum

The major element of Transformative Learning of Mezirow (1978) is reflection – self and group via constructive discourse with critical thinking. The contribution of Mr. Song Yang and 10 female artists from SYART in the areas of dancing, painting, script writing, psychology, art, curation business, cultural studies and professor in supply chain management / sustainable development goals (e.g. Leah Lu, Aloha Leinani Mai,  Lin Huisi, Wang Bing, Sophie Tang Suk Mei, IIvin Liu, Yin Mei, Tsui Kit, Shek King …etc.) set a good practice of transformative learning under COVID-19.

Under COVID-19, disruptions in business, learning, communication, and entertainment have been found in different parts of the world.  It seems there is a trend of modifying existing large scale businesses into a smaller scale to capture the dynamics to meet unexpected challenges and regulatory requirements. 

The semi structured interview conducted with selected female artists from SYART, Beijing, China on June 3rd provided insight to SDG3 wellness, 4.7 knowledge transfer, 8 economic impacts, 9 innovations, and 17 partnership for future talents in art related industries of integrating new technology, e.g. web3 and NFT as a service to reach audience for art community to co-learn with spiritual support.

About the author

Dr. MC Shirley Yeung is a professor at Gratia Christian College (United Nations Responsible for Management Education UNPRME Advanced Signatory Institute) Hong Kong and Head, School of Business.

Dr. Yeung has recently obtained SDG Acceleration Award from India, June 2023.

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